About us

Crystal Palace Friends of Palestine (CPFP) was established in 2021 to raise awareness about the Palestinian struggle against Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism. Through a range of Palestine focused cultural activities, CPFP aims to inspire those who currently know little about the Palestinian struggle to join the growing movement against Israeli apartheid. CPFP also supports cultural production in Palestine by raising funds for PalMusic, the UK ambassadors for the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music in Palestine.

We held an inaugural fundraising event in April 2022. The funds raised enabled us to put on our first public cultural event, an afternoon of Palestinian music and food, in Crystal Palace in September 2022. Later that year, we participated in the Penge Festival and engaged in awareness raising activities in a variety of local areas. In 2023, we continued our awareness raising participated in more festivals, put Palestine on the agenda at the local Women’s Institute and held a successful community event showcasing Palestinian culture.

Our activities changed significantly in October 2023 in response to Israel’s brutal genocide in Gaza. CPFP has since been primarily involved in national protests and direct actions; has organised local protests, actions and a monthly vigil; raised money for Medical Aid for Palestinians and PalMusic’s emergency fund for displaced music teachers and students. In April 2024, we arranged training for almost 30 South London activists to enable them to better advocates for Palestine.

We have encountered overwhelming support for Palestine in South London and as a result we have grown quickly into a large and diverse group of local activists. Local trade union branch Bromley and Croydon Unite is affiliated to CPFP and we are keen to form links with other trade union and community groups. If you or your group would like to join, affiliate or simply find out more about us please get in touch.